Raija Lydecken
5 min readFeb 28, 2024


You Have a Cheat Sheet for Shopping When You Know Your Best Colors

Masses of people are moving along in slow motion on shopping streets, in the corridors of department stores, and all over cities that are lined with shops. Others, who want to avoid all the exhausting walking, do their shopping on-line. We are all shopping and shopping, every day, all year!

Every time we have a new season, we wake up to shopping in a big way, thanks to the media. More people are going to be shopping for new wardrobes for holidays, parties, and different occasions. We are in the middle of the busiest time for shopping over and over again. So much money is changing hands. Everyone wants to make good purchases. Many don´t know how to make the best choices and distinguish the difference between choices. Everyone wants to look great, but everybody would like to pay less rather than too much.

We all want to know what to buy to get a new lease on life through new clothes and accessories. Having new things feels good. Yet, to look new, you don´t need everything new. The thing is to get something to enhance your existing wardrobe. When you have chosen the color scheme that enhances your individual coloring, you have an edge on everyone else. You won´t need to look at everything.

In fact, you can have a look around to see if the shop has your colors or not. If not, you can move on to a shop that does.

With just a few new purchases each season, you can look brand new when you choose well. This skill of sorting your colors is becoming more and more important because prices seem to be going sky high with no end in sight.

Go Shopping with a Friend

Let´s focus on buying clothes, make-up, accessories, and everything with color.

It is great to go shopping with a friend. If that friend had a bit of training on how to choose colors, it would be even better, don´t you think. I often hear friends talking and wondering what to choose when they are trying to pick out different pieces for an outfit.

The question I hear the most, is: “does this look good on me? “The friend then gives her own opinion, which at most times, has nothing to do with how that piece of clothing looks on you. It is not her fault. She might have different personal coloring than you do, so therefore, she is attracted to a complete different set of colors.

This happens a lot because people are often attracted to the colors that emphasize their own colors without knowing it. It´s a built-in trait, but depending on how much you have been exposed to other people´s opinions and the fashion scene, your antennae might not be adjusted correctly as far as colors go and how they look on you.

Listen to Colors

The color vibes “speak” to you according to your own coloring because that´s how colors work. Yes, they work or don´t work. This means you look stunning in your new clothes, or you look average and in the worst case, unattractive or peculiar.

As a result, you could be doing a lot of mileage on the shop corridors for nothing! You really would rather be sitting in a café having a cup of coffee or tea and taking it easy.

The good news is that there is a better way, and it is available to you right now!

You can easily learn which colors would be your personal best buy. Which colors enhance your own personal colors? Which colors should you mix and match with your existing wardrobe? What would you need to get and keep to your budget or, even better, go under your budget but have the best possible set of clothes for every occasion, all year round.

If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now

Ever since I was young, I remember, that my mum was telling me that I need to get browns, oranges and everything that go with those colors, when shopping for my clothes. This was because I have dark brown eyes, just like mum. Little did we know that the color of our eyes was so much deeper in color than most of the people in my country at the time, so this “rule of thumb” did not work for either one of us. Because of this belief we both wore colors that did not enhance our own coloring for years and years. So sad.

I always felt that I sort of faded into the background but didn´t really know why. It was quite frustrating at times. It was only when I went to color training in London for the first time 30 years ago and found out which colors enhance my own personal coloring. It really changed my whole life for the better.

Because of what I went through, I feel that I need to tell people to find out more about how they can benefit by just knowing which colors are their best ones. There can be such a difference. It certainly was a game changer for me!

All Colors Are Equal

The thing about all the colors is that everyone can wear reds, but not all reds. Everyone can wear blues, but not all blues. Everyone can wear greens, but not all greens, and so on. You will be able to wear all colors when you find out your dominant color characteristic and start examining your own coloring from that angle.

There is more, of course, but when you discover your dominant color characteristic, you will be able to eliminate most of the alternatives that you will not need even to look at. It is the very first step towards a more beautiful YOU!

In a nutshell, the six dominant color characteristics to choose from when you are starting out are: LIGHT, DEEP, CLEAR, SOFT, WARM and COOL.

If you have always wondered, why some people look more beautiful in the choices they make, than others, then this is something you should look at. You too, can look radiant and stunning. You just need to wear colors that love you back.

It really is so simple.

If you found this interesting, you can learn more from my books:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/1977928900 (best seller on Amazon)


