You Are Leaving Money on the Table If You Are Not Using Your Own Best Colors

Raija Lydecken
5 min readFeb 7, 2024

This is because Mother Nature always wins — every time

We really shouldn´t be taking colors for granted and think that everyone can successfully wear whatever colors they want.

Don´t be fooled.

There is a system to how this world works. Learning from nature can help us out more than we can imagine.

There are many systems in this world that people use successfully. Why is it so difficult for us to understand that there is also a system to colors that either benefits us or does just the opposite?

We had a good start in the 80s/90 when color analysis was first discovered but then something happened, and it was pretty much forgotten.

For me, it was never forgotten because I had had a front row seat in the color business for over a decade before moving on to do something else to build a bigger business using my color knowledge to benefit many more people.

It has been quite a while since anybody cared about color analysis but fortunately, at the beginning of this year, The Times wrote about how the Gen Z has now discovered it again.

This was good news for many for many reasons.

We live in a world full of colors.

They influence each one of us, whether we like it or not.

Colors are everywhere.

They are silently working their magic on us, and we are not even realizing it.

Colors are vibrations, just like music and other sounds. When you throw a rock into still water, you can see the ripples forming from it. This is how colors work too, even though we don´t seem to realize it.

When colors are working in harmony, it has a positive effect on us.

The use of colors in harmony has a certain “pull”. This is something we can all use, free of charge.

Colors in nature don´t scream at you

Today marketing is taking center stage, online and offline.

We are getting too used to the screaming colors.

This cannot be healthy for anyone. Especially if/when we are exposed to them all the time.

Screaming colors have become the new normal.

It is not normal.

Just have a look at nature. No screaming colors, except when people have had something to do with it. Cities, on the other hand, are colorless in many cases, except for screaming lights.

It didn´t used to be like this.

Progress is a good thing but when it comes to color, there is something wrong in our way of using colors.

Nature was here before us and will be after us. There are certain things we need to learn from Mother Nature. Looking at harmony is good for the soul.

There seem to be so many mental health problems e.g. with children these days. I wonder if all this exposure to screaming colors coming at you all the time has something to do with it.

Colors are Vibrations — Vibrations are Colors

Colors are vibrating all the time. They don´t stop. The vibrations of colors are silently working with us or against us.

So, why not use them for the good instead of bad. It is a choice we can each make for ourselves.

There are many rewards that can come to us when we recognize colors for what they can do for us. I am a living example of what colors can do to person´s life. It takes work, of course, like everything else that is worthwhile.

Before I discovered colors and started to live by them, my life was quite different.

After finding my best colors, it was the biggest surprise to me that I had always loved those colors but did not dare use them because they were so bold.

People around me started to comment on what had happened to me and that they wanted to have the same happen to them.

That was wonderful because I didn´t need to market my colors services hardly at all.

I was the best advertisement.

The change in the colors I was using before and after changed my appearance dramatically for the better.

It all happened so quickly, and I had no idea that it was the beginning of a new way of thinking about the use of colors. Had I known, I would have quit my day job faster.

That decision led me to a path to working with people and places I only had dreamed about. It was hard work but it didn´t seem like work at all because I was enjoying what I was doing.

Now all this is coming back with the Gen Z!

Color analysis has come a long way. Colors keep on working like they have always worked. The best thing for anyone, who would like to tap into their own individual colors, would be to learn about how colors work.

When I started out on my color journey, we only had four alternatives to divide people into. They were called the four seasons: Spring, Summe, Autumn, and Winter according to the types of colors you see each season.

The biggest objection, before we knew more, was: How can you say that all the people in the world can be categorized into only four boxes? That was all we had then. Now we know more, and it is much easier to understand.

Many years later, I was asked by a group of young ladies to consult them about colors in their own profession. They were a group of professional ladies in the beauty business, and they made me realize that I still had a chance to be of service.

That day with these ladies led me to write my book: Color Your Life, Look Great — Spend Less.

This book is taking color analysis to the next level. The choosing of colors is easier and more understandable.

It helps you to make your color choices simpler and easier.

Once you learn what to look for, you won´t be spending money on things you are sorry you bought after coming home from the store.

You will be able to make better shopping choices for you and your family.

The Coloraija Method

Right after that day of working with these ladies, I wrote a book about the session we had and how it is possible to group colors in a specific way, using the seasons as the basis but focusing more on the dominant color characteristics.

These ladies made me see that this method makes more sense and give more knowhow to working with colors.

Instead of thinking Spring, Summer, Autumn, or Winter, which doesn´t say much, you can get a better idea and understanding when you think Light, Deep, Soft, Clear, Warm or Cool.

When I first trained to learn about colors, my best colors were Winter colors that are Deep. Today, with my white hair, my best colors are Cool. I can still use the same Winter colors as before, but the emphasis is in using colors that are more cool than deep. Colors are very flexible, so it is easy to adjust when you know what you are looking for.

You can´t beat Mother Nature because she just is.

It´s better to join her and find out what she had in mind for you!

For more information, look at my books on this subject: (best seller on Amazon)

