What Colors Make You Look Expensive
All colors can make you look expensive, if you know a bit on how colors work. As we have talked many times before, colors, just like everything else, are vibrations and vibrations make you feel good or bad depending on many things.
If your vibrations are not in sync, you will feel it and as a result, you will be sending out mixed messages. The problem nowadays is, that we are so used to bright lights and flashing images that our “antennae” is not always working as well as it should. Especially if we live in cities and are not in contact with nature most days.
To look expensive has been something that has been sought after for a very long time. Think how the noble and royal people have always dressed. In olden times, the people, who could afford beautiful clothes, were using thick velvety clothes in many colors combining them with gold and silver as a mark of their status being above common people.
We have come a long way, fortunately, but the need to look expensive and to stand out with the help of exquisite clothes still exists. I´m sure it will never go away. That is the reason haute couture will always have a place in our society and others will try to imitate it best they can.
Today we don´t need to pile on tons of beautiful fabrics or over decorate ourselves with jewelry to make a statement, which tells everyone around us that we are able to buy expensive clothes. Actually, many wealthy people try to hide the fact and do not want to look expensive.
However, for those people who do not have that luxury and need to look better than the person next to them, to get that job or to get that special attention to get their life on track, need to look as if they don´t need to concentrate on their appearance and look approachable and even expensive.
To look expensive is to look harmonious. When our appearance is pleasing to the eye, it sends positive vibrations all around us. Everyone can look stunning just by wearing colors that agree with their own special coloring. We all have special coloring. Unfortunately that is something, which is seldom focused on, when choosing pieces of clothing for ourselves. Every fall, the fashion houses come out with the color(s) of the season and it is only a small percentage of people, who actually should be getting those colors for their wardrobes because with everyone else´s colors, they clash. As a result people just buy black because there is so much of it in shops and they have been told that black is easy and it goes with everything. That, of course, is not true and I am wondering, how on earth this has been passed on so successfully for so many years.
To look your best, even expensive, you really need to look at yourself if the mirror, without make-up and with your own, natural color hair — today. It doesn´t matter what color your hair was, when you were a child, or any time earlier in life. What matters, is the color that your eyes, skin and hair are today.
There are six dominant color characteristics to focus on. That will make you think in the right way about your colors. If you can´t decide for yourself, ask a friend to for help to sort this out for you. Others see things about us that we don´t really see in ourselves. This applies also to color.
The dominant color characteristics to look for are:
If you cannot decide on one characteristic, choose two and go on from there. You might see that you have several characteristics and you are right. At this stage, however, you are only looking for the characteristic that is most noticed when looking at your coloring. There is more, but if you don´t sort this out in the very beginning, you will be off down the wrong road.
To make it easier for you to find out what you should be looking for, you can go to my pages from HERE to find out more. There is even a 24-page Shopping Guide for you. If you take a little time to focus on how colors work, you will never have to buy clothes that you are unhappy with in a few months.
One more thing. To look expensive you should be using your own best solid colors and combining them with a small detail in some other color. Also your grooming should be top notch as well as your look of being healthy. It is one big puzzle, but when you find out your best personal colors, you are well on your way to looking you best, even expensive and desirable!